Can you Change Your Mattress’s Firmness?

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Firmness is one of the most significant aspects of any mattress, as it determines the level of comfort and support that the mattress will provide for different sleepers, but sometimes you can end up with a mattress that has a level of firmness that isn’t suitable for you; it could be too firm and hard for you or too soft for your liking.

In that case, you’ll need to adjust your mattress firmness, and there are multiple methods that you can follow that can help you get a better sleeping experience.

What is mattress firmness, and what factors affect it?

Mattress firmness between Too Soft and Too Firm

Mattress firmness refers to the hardness level of the surface of the mattress, and mattresses come in myriad firmness levels—soft, medium, firm, and others. Each mattress firmness level on the mattress firmness chart shown above is designed to accommodate different sleeping styles and preferences.

Many elements can affect the level of firmness in each mattress, such as the material, the mattress condition, the construction, the temperature, the bed base, and the condition of the mattress.

Can you change the mattress’s firmness?

Woman's hand pressing on white mattress. Checking hardness and softness

Several methods can change and adjust the level of mattress firmness or mattress softness; some methods can make your mattress firmer, and other methods can make your mattress softer. It’s also important to note that some of these changes are permanent and can’t be reversed, and other methods, such as using a topper or flipping your mattress, can be reversed, so make sure to consider this element before attempting to change your mattress's firmness.

Considerations Before Attempting Firmness Adjustment

Mattress Condition

It is crucial to assess the condition of the mattress. If the mattress is old or worn out, adjusting the firmness may not provide the desired results, as your mattress's comfort levels will decline. In such cases, it might be more beneficial to invest in a new mattress that better suits your comfort needs.

Material and Construction

It is important to consider the material and construction of the mattress. Different materials and construction techniques can greatly impact the firmness level and the ability to adjust it.

For example, memory foam mattresses are known for their ability to contour to the body and provide a customized level of support, whereas innerspring mattresses may offer less flexibility in terms of firmness adjustment. Understanding the specific characteristics of your mattress will help you determine whether or not it can be successfully adjusted.

Warranty Considerations

Modifying the firmness of a mattress may void its warranty, depending on the terms and conditions set by the manufacturer. It is important to thoroughly review the warranty information before making any adjustments.

If the warranty explicitly states that any modifications will result in voiding the warranty, it is advisable to refrain from attempting any adjustments and seek alternative solutions.

On the other hand, if the warranty allows for adjustments or specifies certain guidelines for firmness modification, it is essential to follow them closely to ensure that the warranty remains valid.

When should you change mattress firmness?

Waking Up Tired

If you usually wake up tired every day to the point that it starts to affect other aspects of your life, such as your work and your exercise, then you might need to consider changing your mattress firmness and finding a firmness level that provides more comfort and a relaxing sleeping experience.

Stiff Joints

If you experience stiff joints and muscle pain that didn’t exist before, then this means that your mattress's firmness is too rough on your pressure points, which adds too much restraint to them, and you need to reconsider the firmness level of your mattress.


If you and your partner are experiencing discomfort while you’re sleeping, there can be multiple factors that lead you to feel that way, but one of the most vital factors is the firmness level of your mattress, whether it’s too soft or too hard.

Lack of Support

If you find that your mattress isn’t properly supporting your body weight and it’s showing signs of wear and tear, such as sagging, this means that the firmness level of your mattress isn’t compatible with your sleeping style.

Increased Movement During the Night

If you find yourself tossing and turning more than usual during the night, and it starts to affect the quality of your sleep itself, that means that your mattress firmness is not suitable for your body, which is why it is constantly moving to find a less pressing sleeping surface.

How do you make your mattress firmer?

There are several steps you can take to make your mattress firmer, which can help improve the support and firmness of your mattress for a more comfortable night's sleep.

Add a Firm Topper

A firm mattress topper is designed to add an extra layer of support to your mattress, helping to make it feel firmer. This can be especially helpful if you find that your current mattress is too soft and lacking in support. By adding a firm topper, you can customise the level of firmness to suit your preferences and needs.

Flip and Rotate

If you occasionally flip and rotate your mattress, you might find that the second surface of the mattress is more firm and supported than the surface that is being used daily. However, you need to make sure that your mattress can be flipped before doing that because some mattresses are not designed to be flipped.

Use a Firmer Base

The base of your mattress plays a crucial role in its overall support and firmness. If you have a slated base, you may want to check the spacing between the slats. If the slats are too far apart, it can cause your mattress to sag and feel less firm.

Use Plywood Support

Adding additional support, such as plywood, between the slats can help provide a more solid foundation for your mattress.

Keep Your Bedding Flat

By keeping your bedding flat and even, you can help maintain the firmness of your mattress and prevent it from developing any uneven areas.

Place Your Mattress on The Floor

Place your mattress directly on the floor. This results in a firmer sleeping surface by removing the extra cushioning that a box spring or bed frame provides.

Replace The Layers in Your Mattress

Another way to make your mattress firmer is to replace the existing layers within it. Over time, the foam or padding in a mattress can wear down, leading to a loss of firmness. By replacing these worn-out layers with new ones, you can restore the firmness and support of your mattress.

Air Your Mattress Out

Simply airing out your mattress can also help improve its firmness. Over time, mattresses can absorb moisture and develop odors, which can contribute to a softer feel. By allowing your mattress to air out, you can help remove any trapped moisture and freshen up its surface.

Find The Best Room Temperature

It's important to consider temperature when trying to make your mattress firmer. Heat can cause materials such as memory foam to soften and lose their supportive properties. To combat this, you can try keeping your bedroom at a cooler temperature or using cooling bedding accessories such as mattress pads or sheets.

These products are designed to regulate body heat and prevent overheating, which can help maintain the firmness of your mattress.

How do you make your mattress softer?

White Soft Mattress Sample

When trying to make your mattress softer, it is important to note that making your mattress softer may take some time and experimentation, and it is essential to find what works best for you in terms of comfort and support.

Add a Soft Topper

One popular option is to use a mattress topper. A mattress topper is a pad that is placed on top of your existing mattress to provide an additional layer of cushioning. There are different types of toppers available, such as memory foam or latex, which can help soften the feel of your mattress. By adding a topper, you can customize the level of softness to suit your preferences.

Pillow-Top Mattress Pad

A pillow-top mattress pad is a type of mattress pad that adds a layer of cushioning and softness to the top of your mattress. It's essentially a plush mattress topper that sits on top of your existing mattress, creating a softer sleeping surface.

Flip or Rotate The Mattress

If your mattress can be flipped, you can try this method to check the level of firmness on the other side of your mattress, as it can be a mattress with different firmness on each side. Just make sure that your mattress can be flipped before doing this.

Give it Time

Many mattresses, especially foam mattresses, can be extra firm when you first purchase them, but over time they get softer due to daily usage, room temperature, and other factors, so give your mattress some time and see if it gets softer or not.

Mattress Pads

If you are looking for a more budget-friendly option, you can consider using mattress pads or enhancers. These are thin layers of padding that can be placed on top of your mattress to provide extra cushioning. Mattress pads come in various materials and thicknesses, allowing you to choose the level of softness that suits your needs.

Increase Bedding Layers

You can also consider increasing the softness of your bedding layers. This includes using softer sheets, blankets, and pillows. By selecting bedding made from materials like cotton or bamboo, you can create a softer and more comfortable sleeping environment.

Check The Break-in Period

Consider the break-in period, as mattresses often need some time to adjust to your body and soften up. Give it a few weeks to a month of regular use before deciding if it's too firm for your liking.

Check Your Mattress Trial Period

Take advantage of any trial period the mattress manufacturer offers. Many companies allow customers to try their mattress for a certain period, usually around 30-90 days, and return it if they are not satisfied. It allows you to test out the mattress and determine if it's the right level of softness for you.

Increase The Temperature

Temperature can also affect the feel of your mattress. If your mattress feels too firm, you may want to consider adjusting the temperature in your bedroom. Experiment with different temperature settings to find what works best for you.

Switch Up Your Sleep Position

Switching sleep positions can also make your mattress feel softer. If you primarily sleep on your back or stomach, try sleeping on your side instead. This change in position can help relieve pressure points and create a softer sleeping surface.

Check Your Bed Base

If you feel that your mattress is too firm, you might want to consider changing your bed base, as some box springs and platforms could add more hardness to your mattress by providing extra support, and changing the bed base or the position of the slats could make a world of difference in terms of firmness.

Effectiveness of Firmness Adjustment Methods

When it comes to the effectiveness of firmness adjustment methods, the results can vary depending on the specific needs and preferences of the sleeper Individuals should try out different adjustments and consult with sleep experts or mattress professionals to find the most effective method for achieving their desired level of firmness.

When to Consider a New Mattress

  • Limited Effectiveness of Adjustments: If you tried to make adjustments to change the firmness of your mattress and you found it to be unresponsive or had very little effect on it, then it’s time to consider buying a new mattress.
  • Uneven Support: Overtime mattresses can provide uneven support, which means that some parts of the mattress provide support more than other parts, and that’s a clear indication that your mattress's condition is declining and maybe it’s time to buy a new mattress.
  • Age: It’s important to note that there is a lifespan for each mattress, and the average lifespan of a mattress is seven to 10 years. After that, the mattress can start to gradually lose its properties and won’t provide the same amount of comfort and support that was provided when it was first purchased.
  • Increased Discomfort: One of the most significant signs that you need to replace your mattress is when you start to feel increased discomfort every single day, which means that the mattress’s condition is deteriorating.
  • Visible Wear and Tear: An obvious sign that indicates that you need to change your mattress is visible wear and tear signs such as sagging or punctures, so if you notice any visible wear and tear signs, you need to seriously consider buying a new mattress.


Can a mattress topper make my too-firm mattress feel softer?

Mattress toppers provide an extra layer on top of your mattress, and depending on the firmness of the topper, it can adjust the firmness of the mattress, so yes, it can make a firm mattress feel slightly softer.

Who is a firm mattress best for?

Stomach sleepers will find a lot of comfort on their firm mattresses or medium mattress firmness, as it will alleviate the tension on their pressure points and help maintain their neutral spinal alignment.

Who is a soft mattress best for?

A soft mattress is an excellent choice for a side sleeper, as side sleepers can experience joint pain when they wake up if they sleep on a harder mattress, but a soft mattress cushions their hips and shoulders and contours to adapt to their unique body shape and sleeping position, which makes it the best mattress firmness for side sleepers.

How firm should my mattress be, or how do I know what firmness of mattress I need?

Many factors dictate your preferred levels of mattress firmness, such as your sleeping position, your sleeping preference, the material used on the mattress, and many other factors, so there is no ultimate answer to what is the best mattress firmness as it’s a matter of personal preference.

Is a hard mattress good for your back?

Yes, a firm mattress is good for a back sleeper, or for people who struggle with back pain, as it can have pressure-relieving qualities on the back and also provide spinal and lumbar support, which makes it the best mattress firmness for back pain.

Can a mattress topper make a mattress firmer?

Yes, a mattress topper is designed to add an extra layer to your existing mattress, and depending on the level of firmness of the topper, it can either make your mattress firmer, if it’s a firm topper, or make it softer, if it’s a soft topper, which makes it a great and convenient way to effectively change your mattress firmness.

Does a firm mattress mean hard?

Yes, the firmness of a mattress refers to the hardness of its surface, which has a direct correlation with mattress comfort levels, and there are many types of mattress firmness like firm and extra firm for mattresses to ensure that every sleeper finds the most comfortable mattress for his sleeping style and preference.


If you experience increased discomfort and wake up every single day feeling unrested, then you should look into the firmness of your mattress and see if it suits your sleeping style. If you’re not comfortable with the current firmness of your mattress, don’t rush into buying a new one.

A variety of methods can either make your mattress softer or firmer, such as using a mattress topper, changing the base of the mattress, or even placing your mattress at a different temperature.

Dom Abraham

Editorial Director

As the lead content writer at Sleepiverse. Dom pours his heart into writing mattress reviews, bedding product reviews, and medically-reviewed health articles. Dom is from Portugal and likes to spend his free time writing on the beach as it gives him a sense of comfort. Aside from writing mattress reviews in front of the soothing beach view, Dom likes to experiment with new amazing food ideas.